Teach with us

Apply for a Position. We welcome applications for teaching positions. Prospective teachers should send applications to [email protected] Your application should include the following:
1. Curriculum Vitae CVs or resumes should be no longer than two pages and focus on the teaching and other relevant experience.
2. Cover Letter Please include a one page cover letter explaining why you would like to teach with us and what skills you bring to the organization. Discuss your interest in both teaching in general and teaching in http://learnenglishliveonline.com. The letter should refer to the curriculum vitae and demonstrate how your experience and education supports your application.
3. Teaching Certificate Scanned copy of your teaching qualification should be included either as a JPEG, PDF or similar file.
Please do not send: References References will be requested at a later stage.
Please do not send: Photos We will only ask for photos once you have been hired. These will be used on our website.
We look forward to hearing from you!